who we are

  • Our history

    The origins
    Voemièn is an Italian company, specialized in the selection and production of handcrafted leather bags, based in Lucca in Tuscany. It was born from an idea of ​​Cristian Ibba, current president and CEO of the company and of Riccardo Meschi creative director specialized in Visual Design.

    Our mission
    Right from the start the goal was clear, to satisfy the fashion needs of women who love quality and good taste, bringing to the market the maximum expression of Italian craftsmanship, characterized by careful attention to detail and the selection of first choice combined with the extraordinary creative and productive skills of the best craftsmen of our country.

    Our style
    The study and knowledge of the needs of the women's fashion sector has led the company to distinguish itself from the outset, specializing in the creation and production of every woman's favorite accessory, the bag. The collections are characterized by a highly sought-after, elegant, versatile and contemporary style, which immediately made thousands of strong and refined women fall in love with them, who are fully reflected in the brand's products and ideals.

    What sets us apart
    One of Voemièn's most important departments is certainly the research and development department which has led the brand to be classified as one of the most technological and avant-garde in the fashion sector thanks to the introduction of augmented reality and 3D modeling. This allows not only to accurately view every detail of the product but also to be able to see its real dimensions in our daily space.

    All this would not be possible without the most important strong point of the brand, the fantastic refined and modern women who, wearing our creations, contribute to creating the image of Voemièn. Through their image and their communication skills they have made it possible to form a very strong community that is getting bigger and bigger day after day.

    Also in the marketing side the company has always pursued its innovative ideals, collaborating with high-level fashion photographers such as Rachele Pettarelli and models able to best express their femininity, creating a fantastic synergy in the creation of advertising campaigns increasingly innovative and expressive. All this is possible only thanks to the close collaboration between the various corporate and professional departments but above all to the continuous communication with our Splendida Community.
  • cristian Ibba: CEO & FOUNDER

    Origini di un Sogno
    Nel cuore di Lucca, nasce la visione di Cristian Ibba, un giovane con una grande passione per la moda. Dopo aver concluso gli studi, Cristian si immerge nel fervente ambiente dell'alta moda fiorentina, lavorando per un'azienda che produceva borse per giganti del lusso come Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana e molti altri. È in questo crogiolo di creatività e eccellenza che si accende la sua passione per il Made in Italy.

    La passione si fa strada
    Cristian si appassiona non solo alla moda, ma all'arte della selezione dei materiali, diventando un vero esperto nella scelta dei pellami più pregiati. La sua esperienza lo porta a riconoscere l'importanza della qualità e della ricerca incessante, elementi che diventano i pilastri della sua visione.

    Visione e Innovazione
    Con una profonda conoscenza del fashion e una spiccata competenza nel digitale e nel marketing, Cristian decide di fondare Voemièn, un'azienda che incarnasse i suoi ideali innovativi. Voemièn non sarebbe stata solo un'altra casa di moda, ma il simbolo di un lusso accessibile, che unisce tradizione artigianale, stile Old Money e innovazione tecnologica.
  • How did the name come about

    The company name was inspired by the French word "bohemian" which was born in the 19th century and which indicated revolutionary artists who came out of the ordinary schemes of the standardized society of the time. And it is precisely from this characteristic that fully reflected the nonconformist and innovative ideals of the brand that we created the name Voemièn.

    The pronunciation
    It may sound strange that an Italian company uses a name with a French pronunciation but nothing is left to chance, during the company's naming strategy we were working on a name that not only derived from a coherent meaning but was also able to express one of the cornerstones of Voemièn (elegance), for this reason the language that best reflected these characteristics was chosen, French.
  • Brand symbology

    The deer. Perfect synthesis of harmony and grace, symbol of vital regeneration. As the deer periodically renews its stage maintaining its proud beauty over time, so Voemien renews classic lines and designs dominating the needs of the modern woman thanks to augmented reality technology.


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