Hand bags
hand bags
The most loved bags by Italian women . Perfect for those looking for a unique style in a bag that manages to express elegance and sophistication.
Voemièn's handbags are also comfortable and versatile, in fact thanks to the adjustable shoulder straps it is possible to use them on different occasions, without losing the magical , unique and elegant style they manage to create.
They are handcrafted in our workshops in Florence, selecting the highest quality leathers and meticulously finished, this guarantees unique resistance to wear over time.
A handbag by Voemièn will never let you down on any occasion.
Voemièn takes care of its customers, and guides them step by step in choosing the most suitable article for their needs, so if you need some practical advice, contact our dedicated customer care directly from the site's live chat, one of our assistants will be available to guide you in your choice.